Time is flying by and we are past the half way point of the summer. It has actually been a pretty nice summer contrary to popular belief about the weather in England! I will take the English weather any time over the extremes we had in Baltimore...particularly August when there were days when even the healthy version of me was pretty much paralyzed with the heat and humidity.
Of course in England homes don't have A/C so when we do get a really hot day it can be a challenge to stay cool. This is especially true when your man cave has multilple computers and multiple 3D printers in constant operation! Generally not an issue but I did invest in a little portable A/C unit that does a good job at dehumidification though can in no way keep up with all the heat generation that I put on it! Between the De-humidifier, and having the unit point right at me, it does the job.
Anyway. Aside from a couple of days where heat and humidity took a high toll on my I have not been feeling too bad. Not better by any means but at least a little stable. Doctors appointment next week and should see what if anything the scans had to say.
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